Let us know some of the big fish are there now ...

1 White Sturgeon: White Sturgeon living in the United States and Canadian waters. They are ancient fish that has lived more than 100 million years. They can reach a length of 5 meters and a weight of nearly 1 ton. White sturgeon is a distant relative of the white shark. They used a lot in the waters of Canada and the United States, but after provoked so much, they become endangered ...

2. Mekong Giant Catfish: Catfish Giant Mekong river used to abound around the border of Thailand and Myanmar, but now they are becoming endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing.

3 Giant Freshwater Stingray: freshwater stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. They live under the rivers in Asia, eating shrimp and fish. They can reach 700 kg with a length of 7 meters, and they have the poisonous spines on its tail which is very dangerous. Now, they are also endangered due to habitat loss.

4 The goonch: goonch is a kind of large catfish that live in the rivers shallow enough. They are a predatory catfish are very fierce and they will attack anything they see, humans are also included in the list of their food. Gooch can reach 120 kg with a length of 3 meters.

5. Wels Catfish: Wels catfish is a type of catfish from China, but they were brought to Europe as a result of illegal sales. Wels catfish are very large, with a length of up to 6 meters and weigh up to 300 kg. They are not endangered, but they become a problem for other fish in their habitat because they eat anything that is in the river habitat.

6. Araipama gigas: Fish araipama is a giant fish that live in rivers in the Americas and Asia. They are eating other fish and red tip of their tail. They are threatened with extinction due to loss of their habitat as they migrate.

7 Goliath Tigerfish: Giant Tigerfish living around the river Congo in Africa. They are eating degaing that have very sharp teeth, great strength, and very fast speed. They can reach 3 meters and weighs 120 kg.

8 Giant Asian Carp: This giant carp fish live in the waters of Asia and can weigh up to 120 kg and a length of up to 2.5 meters. They are the quiet giant, not aggressive, but very powerful and fast if you feel in danger.

Photo: Zeb Hogan in Angkor with giant stingray
Giant Stingray

Cambodia Mekong River, Experts believe that the giant stingray like this one is the largest freshwater species on Earth.specimen was measured more than 13 feet (4 meters).

Photo: Giant catfish on a boat
Giant Catfish 

One of the largest fish in the world, Mekong giant catfish, this fish can reach 10 feet (3 meters) long and weigh up to 650 pounds (300 kilograms). species is threatened with extinction due to overfishing, dam building, and habitat destruction .

Largest Freshwater Fish in the World

1 "Giant Carp" who was always living disungai2 asia

2 "Giant stingray" Many countries are in the frangipani and china, if exposed to the effort to survive tail is thin ..

3 "Giant white sturgeon" prehistoric times fish are numerous in the Yangtze in China state average rat weight of the fish weighed 1tan ..

4 "mekong giant catfish" contained in asia landmark and now increasingly vanished,

5 "Chinese Paddlefish" very big fish ketagori included in the world's largest freshwater fish in the country there is a lot of china ..

6 'arapaima gaigas "the world's largest freshwater fish that can live 100 years and is widely available in the amazon river.

7 "catfish" keli fish this fish is widely available ,, he negara2 asia and africa asia tenagara including the crowded because people call fish fish keli keli african eheheheh nie ....

8 "catfish" (patent fish) is caught in the river in northern Thailand, is 2.71 meters in length with a weight of 293 kg.ikan is contained in the Asian countries.

9 'alligator fish "are common in the Mississippi River Saiz crocodile that has thedistinction that not only Saiz largest fish crocodile biggest that ever captured was weighed
365 kg.