Mahseer  is the carp family Cyprinidae large scales, and is crazy and sport fish found in India and South Asia generally.
This fish was originally described by  Hamilton  in  1822 , and was first mentioned in angling challenge by the Oriental Sporting Magazine  in  1833 , and later became a favorite quarry of British anglers  living in India. Golden Mahseer species known to reach 2.75 meters  (9 feet) in length and 54 kilograms  (118 lb) in weight, although specimens of this size are rarely seen today.
Mahseers inhabit rivers and lakes, ascending to rapid streams and riverbeds with rocky bottoms for breeding. Similar to other types of carp, they are omnivorous  , eating not only algae, crustaceans, insects, frogs and other fish, but also fruits that fall from the trees above.
In addition to being caught for sport, mahseer are also part of commercial fisheries in India.

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