Secret Fish

Secret Fish

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Rahasia Ikan Femina
Want to have a thin brain are like the Japanese?Eating fish! You must already be familiar with this statement, right? The truth that the Japanese diet is not far from fish, fish, and fish, as well as the recognition that the population of this country Sakura average have a high level of intelligence, it has been agreed by all the people. However, if you understand where the relationship between fish and intelligence? What 'secret ingredient' that is in the sea animal fish that is so great?

In general, as a food source side dishes, nutrient content contained in fish flesh is the same as in the beef or chicken. There are proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The difference is the amount, composition, and type of each of these nutrients.

The protein in fish is composed of essential amino acids complete and easier to digest than protein from other animal sources. Protein is an important nutrient source for growth. Meanwhile, for the matter of fat, type of fat in fish is different from the fats found in beef or chicken meat. So, if usually people deliberately limit their intake of red meat, including beef, fearing the onslaught of fat (saturated fatty acids) and cholesterol, not so well with the fish.

Fish actually hunted for their fat. Ever heard of fish oil? Or you actually already very familiar with this supplement since childhood and now pass on eating habits of these fish oils on your children? "Different from other animal fats, fats in fish liquid, even at low temperatures though.Hence, so-called fish oil, fatty fish instead. Fat usually refers to a solid form, such as fatty beef or mutton fat, "said Dr. Ir Nuri Andarwulan, M.Sc., food experts from IPB.

The composition of the fat in fish is dominated by the polyunsaturated fatty acid chain length (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid = PUFAs) with powerful properties. Omega 3 (or called linolenic acid) type of EPA (Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) is heralded as a prima donna in the fish meat, nothing but a kind of PUFA.

Both are essential fatty acids. That is, its existence can not be formed by the body. So, to get it only through food intake. Type of fatty acid has a property to assist the development of the brain and become a positive stimulant to strengthen memory. Thus, the theory of intelligence versus fish, it was not just a figment.

"DHA plays an important role in the composition of brain tissue that is needed for brain growth.Naturally, there are only DHA in breast milk and fish, "said Nuri. Hence, if observed, many dairy products or foods that favor children DHA content as a way to increase the resale value in order to have quality as good as breast milk.

Another benefit of omega 3 in fish is associated with degenerative diseases, such as heart disease and hypertension. According to Nuri, with regularly eat fish, the risk of developing coronary heart disease can be reduced. "In the body, unsaturated fatty acids are converted into HDL (good cholesterol) which can reduce the risk of narrowing of blood vessels in the heart," he explained.

Unsaturated fatty acid content in fish is more widely spread in the fish flesh reddish. This section will change to reddish-black when cooked. You can easily see the color difference is significant at the boiled pieces of tuna sold in the market in-baskets bamboo baskets.

Unfortunately, because of ignorance, the consumer or the seller is often dispose of this section by reason of aesthetics and taste rancid quickly due to the high fat content. Perilously close to the head, unsaturated fatty acid content higher. That's what makes a fish head, like the head of salmon or snapper head, so preferred. Fattier section will give a more savory flavor and delicious, right?

Fish, especially saltwater fish, is also a source of vitamins (A, B, and D) and minerals are good.Mineral selenium, iodine, calcium, iron, and zinc is a mineral that is seeded from fish. Selenium and zinc is a mineral antioxidant that can prevent DNA damage and prevent premature aging.Iodine has an important role in preventing mumps, calcium is needed for bone mass, and iron to prevent anemia.

For fresh food, the nutritional quality of fish is already brilliant, but processing errors can be easily lowered even destroy this greatness. "The content of omega-3 highly perishable and oxidized due to the high temperature heating is too long. To reduce the damage, the best way to cook fish is to pan for 3-5 minutes. Or, as long as you are sure that the fish is fresh and free from contamination, may just imitate the way Japanese people are accustomed to eating fish in a raw state,