Qualified Salted Fish, Hottest and Most Expensive

5 Qualified Salted Fish, Hottest and Most Expensive

1 anchovy terrain (smooth)
savory anchovy terrain and delicious make salted fish was so salty to fish among other salted fish and make the fish is soexpensive in Indonesian salted fish. field anchovy popular throughout the archipelago because of feels that savory anddelicious. types of fish is characterized by having the form of a small and clean white. several newcomers who couldhomecoming generally always performed by a field-by anchovy as a gift for family relatives kampong.
in fact of most types of fish that I recognize anchovy or anchovy rice fields and anchovies dungarees. anchovies dungarees (Stolephorus insularis) which are counted popular . although fish teriitu very little in fact has a lot of benefits when we are right when me cook and select it. anchovy can avoid osteoporosis, among its recommended consumption of fish, vegetables, and fruits each day to avoid bone loss (osteoporosis) in old age. especially anchovies dungarees containscalcium and fluorine compounds in the form of CaF2 in large enough concentrations.
composition of 100 g / ounces anchovy:
• 33 protein, 40%
• 3 fat, 00%
• phosphorus, 50%
• Iron 0, 0036%
• vitamin b1 0, 15 mg%
• Energy 77 kcal
• Calcium 500 mg - 1200 mg
• a re vit 47
2 anchovies squid
squid fish is a fish that familyar to society because Indonesian fish was savory is also easily obtained, can feel more comfortable when contrived salted fish. well as make these fish so the top 2 salted fish. salted fish squid - squid is verynutritious and has a protein
high. salted fish squid - squid is processed by step natural, professional, hygienic. salted fish squid - squid has been popularand expanded into a variety of places on the island of Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Sumatra. salted fish squid is not the same with anchovies the other starts from the taste to the nutritional content.
3 anchovy usual (ITB)
anchovy, was delicious as well as easy to come by, is also easily processed to make these fish successfully finished ranked 3rd in nomination salted fish. anchovy is the type of fish that is easily damaged in other words rot. The cause took steps tokeep that constantly preserved without necessarily eliminating pleasures. between steps of her that is marinated. currentlyanchovy salting efforts have been increasingly developed. conjunction with many admirers as well as the opening of the export market.
4. fish katamba
ketamba fish, fish that are familiar to most people . generally fish is easily found in the fish auction ( the salted fish). soft flesh also feels that good makes this fish so the top 4.
5. salted octopus
octopus, an animal commonly found edge '> at the seashore is in fact able to make salted fish. was tolerable whencompared to other salted fish.

Six Types of Fish that are Worth Avoiding

Six Types of Fish that are Worth Avoiding

Enam Jenis Ikan yang Sebaiknya Dihindari
Illustration of fresh fish. AFP / Darwin Fatir
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Fish is good for health. Eat fish twice a week is highly recommended to meet protein needs. Omega-3 fats contained in fish is also good for heart health and brain cell development in children.

However, not all fish is good for health. Seafood Watch, a program launched by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, record the number of fish unfit for consumption. Together with non-profit organizations engaged in health and the environment, they compiled a list of fish that was unfit for consumption.

From the list, there are the top six types of fish that should be avoided. In addition to the fish endangered, some also contain mercury and PCBs above the specified threshold, the health hazard it.

The sixth type of fish it is

Bluefin Tuna
In December 2009, the World Wildlife Fund put bluefin tuna on the list of 10 endangered species, in addition to the giant panda, tiger, and leatherback turtles. Despite the efforts of environmental groups advocate that this fish makes the status of protected fauna, bluefin tuna continue to be hunted, with sales value up to US $ 177 thousand per fish.

However, in addition to endangered, tuna is also very harmful to health. These fish have high levels of mercury and PCBs are so high that the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) recommends not to eat these fish. 
Patagonian Toothfish
The price is very expensive because of the distinctive taste of the meat, melt in the mouth like butter. This fish lives only in the cold Antarctic waters. The method used to catch very damaging seabed habitats and threatened sea birds in the vicinity. However, EDF is banned because of very high mercury content. Therefore, if you want to consume, preferably no more than two times per month for adults and once a month for the children.

High levels of mercury in these fish cause EDF issued a warning. In terms of sustainability, groupers no problem. These fish can live to the age of 40 years and reproduce rapidly.

This fish is weird his form, resembling catfish and an underwater inhabitants. Fish double tentacle, another name for this fish, incoming orders are generally true bony fish living in the deep sea. Habitat in the Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. The fish of the order Lophiiformes looks striking with the large head and wide.

Monkfish is a carnivorous fish, large mouth and teeth. This fish dive to the bottom of the sea. In order to attack other fish, his mouth slightly facing up. At the top of the mouth there is an antenna that can move my digerak as bait to attract prey. This fish is also often rises to the surface to attack seabirds. Mercury content of fish is very high.

Orange Roughy
Such as grouper, fish is also a long life, but are slow to reproduce, making it vulnerable to overfishing. These fish live 100 years or more, so that the fish fillets in your freezer may come from fish whose age is older than your grandmother. Longevity also means having a high level of mercury, the thing that makes EDF issued a health warning.

Farmed Salmon
Most Farmed salmon, which is usually labeled "Atlantic salmon", often filled with parasites and disease. Also threaten wild salmon trying to swim to the waters to spawning.

Salmon are raised in aquaculture pond are given antibiotics to combat the disease, so it has a fairly high level of PCBs. There is hope consumer pressure will encourage farmers to adopt practices that better cultivation. 

Healthy Heart With Fish Oil Consumption

Healthy Heart With Fish Oil Consumption

Photo: copyright by shutterstock.comVemale.com - There are so many foods that cause heart threatened health problems so you also have to be smart to choose healthy foods, no exception for this one. Fish oil.
Based on excerpts from www.health.com, people at risk for coronary heart disease should get about 1 gram of fish oil per day. This is the same amount that is in three ounces of wild salmon so it is a requirement that many.
Of course you do not have to get fish oil by eating wild salmon, you can replace by buying fish oil supplement form. For you are healthy and do not have the risk of coronary heart disease, fish oil consumption of 500 mg per day is already more than enough.
This is because the omega-3 fatty acids and protein found in the body of the fish, especially the more saltwater fish than freshwater fish can reduce the risk of heart disease.
You do not have to eat the salmon fish to get omega-3 fatty acids, other fish are also allowed. Eat at least one fish a week will be able to reduce the 52% risk of heart attack, arrhythmia prevent disease, and lowers triglyceride fats.
Not only that, fish oil also slows the buildup of plaque in the arteries and reduce high blood pressure. But you also have to be careful not to eat too much fish, because it has a lot of mercury contain risk.
You can limit eating fish to keep mercury poisoning and replace it with fish oil supplements. You who are pregnant also need omega-3 for healthy development of the fetus in the womb.
So, not only you or a family member is in trouble with cardiovascular disease that could be taking fish oil, fish oil may be one of the natural remedies are good for everyone.

Jenis-jenis Ikan Konsumsi:

Jenis-jenis Ikan Konsumsi:
Ikan konsumsi adalah jenis-jenis ikan yang lazim dikonsumsi sebagai pangan oleh manusia. Ikan konsumsi dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan habitat hidup jenis-jenis ikan yaitu dari laut dan dari perairan di darat. Ikan konsumsi juga dapat dikelompokkan berdasarkan upaya memperoleh ikan tersebut seperti penangkapan langsung dari alam dan hasil pembudidayaan.
Pada umumnya jenis-jenis ikan konsumsi dari laut dilakukan dengan penangkapan langsung di laut, sementara hanya sedikit jenis ikan laut yang dilakukan dengan upaya pembudidayaan. Jenis-jenis Ikan Konsumsi diperolah dari penangkapan di laut dilakukan oleh nelayan dari mulai nelayan kecil yang mengandalkan jala lempar sampai kepada nelayan besar yang menggunakan peralatan modern.
Ikan Konsumsi dari perairan di darat biasanya disebut juga sebagai Ikan Air Tawar. Ikan Air Tawas sebagai ikan konsumsi diperoleh dengan menangkap dari alam atau ikan yang dibudidayakan.
Ikan Laut Yang Umum Sebagai Ikan Konsumsi:
  1. Baronang
  2. Ekor Kuning
  3. Hiu
  4. Kakap
  5. Kambing-kambing
  6. Kerapu
  7. Kue
  8. Marlin/Layaran
  9. Pari
  10. Tenggiri
  11. Teri
  12. Tongkol
Ikan Air Tawar Yang Umum Sebagai Ikan Konsumsi:
  1. Baung
  2. Bawal
  3. Belut
  4. Gabus
  5. Gurami
  6. Lele
  7. Mas
  8. Mujair
  9. Nila
  10. Nilem
  11. Patin
  12. Sepat
  13. Tawes
Ikan Ekspor Indonesia:
  1. Ikan Demersa
  2. Ikan Pelagis
  3. Ikan Tuna
  4. Ikan Cakalang
  5. Ikan Karang
  6. Ikan Tenggiri
  7. Lobster
  8. Udang Karang
  9. Cumi-cumi


Ikan golok - Myers's Hatcteth fish - Carnegiella Myersi

Lokal Name :Ikan golok
Common Name :
Myers's Hatcteth fish

Scientific Name :
Carnegiella Myersi

Glassfin - Glass Bloodfin - Prionobrama Filigera

Lokal Name :Glassfin
Common Name :
Glass Bloodfin

Scientific Name :
Prionobrama Filigera

Glassfin adalah ikan jenis Tetra, Panjangnya sekitar 2 - 3.5 cm, yang menarik adalah ikan ini mempunyai badan yang transparan seperti kaca, hingga isi perut (jerohan) ikan ini nampak jelas terlihat, mempunyai ekor berwarna merah. ikan ini hidup berkelompok / bergerombol, jadi semakin banyak ikan ini akan terlihat semakin menarik dan indah.

capungan Ambon - Banggai Cardinalfish - Pterapogon Kauderni

Lokal Name :
capungan Ambon
Common Name :Banggai Cardinalfish

Scientific Name :
Pterapogon Kauderni


di indonesia ikan ini biasa di kenal dengan nama capungan ambon, memiliki warna dominan kuning keputihan dan belang belang hitam, mempunyai 2 sirip atas yang panjang, dan ekor yang menyerupai gunting. ikan yang hidup di air laut ini umumnya mempunyai ukuran -+ 4 - 7 cm.

Paracheirodon Axelrodi - Cardinal Tetra

Lokal Name :Cardinal Tetra

Common Name :
Cardinal Tetra

Scientific Name :
Paracheirodon Axelrodi
Size : ALL Size

Panda Cory - Corydoras Panda

Lokal Name :Corydoras Panda
Common Name :
Panda Cory

Scientific Name :
Corydoras Panda

Code : 604014
*Jenis ikan hias air tawar

Corydoras panda adalah jenis golongan Cat fish mempunyai warna agak putih kekuningan, warna hitam terdapat pada daerah mata, sirip atas dan pangkal ekor, mempunyai kumis seperti ikan lele tapi ikan ini lebih pendek. ukuran ikan ini umumnya sekitar +- 2.5 cm - 4.5 cm dan biasanya berada di dasar air.

Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon Innesi

Lokal Name :Neon Tetra
Common Name :
Neon Tetra

Scientific Name :
Paracheirodon Innesi

Neon tetra adalah ikan jenis Tetra, Panjangnya sekitar 2 - 3.5 cm mempunyai garis memanjang berwarna biru mengkilap, ikan ini hampir mirip dengan Cardinal Tetra , yang membedakan hanya warna merah pada badan ikan ini lebih pendek daripada Cardinal Tetra, ikan ini dapat mengeluarkan Cahaya yang mengkilap apabila di beri lampu / pencahayaan.

Albino Red Finned Shark - Epalzeorhyncos Frenatus Albino

Lokal Name :
Albino Red Finned Shark

Common Name :Albino Red Finned Shark

Scientific Name :
Epalzeorhyncos Frenatus Albino

Flying Fox - Epalzeorhynchus Kalopterus

Lokal Name :
Flying Fox

Common Name :
Flying Fox

Scientific Name :
Epalzeorhynchus Kalopterus

Iriatherina - Threadfin Rainbowfish - Iriatherina Werneri

Lokal Name :

Common Name :
Threadfin Rainbowfish

Scientific Name :
Iriatherina Werneri

Iriatherina merupakan jenis ikan tawar yang menarik, dia memiliki sirip panjang yang bisa melebihi panjang badannya sendiri. ukuran ikan ini sekitar 2.5 - 6 cm (ukuran rata-rata), ikan ini tergolong ikan yang bersifat bergerombol.

Boesemani Rainbow - Melanotaenia Boesemani

Lokal Name :
Boesemani Rainbow

Common Name :
Boesemani Rainbow

Scientific Name :
Melanotaenia Boesemani

Lemon Cichlid - Labidochromis Lemon Cichlid

Lokal Name :
Lemon Cichlid

Common Name :
Lemon Cichlid

Scientific Name :
Labidochromis Lemon Cichlid

Arowana / Arwana Jardini - Northern Spotted Barramundi - Scleropages Jardini


Lokal Name :
Arowana Jardini

Commone Name :
Northern Spotted Barramundi

Scientific Name :
Scleropages Jardini

Arowana / Arwana silver - Silver Arowana - Osteoglussum Bicirrhosum

Lokal Name :Arwana silver

Common Name :

Silver Arowana

Scientific Name :
Osteoglussum Bicirrhosum

Botia - Clown Loach -Botia Macracantha

Lokal Name :

Commone Name :
Clown Loach

Scientific Name :
Botia Macracantha

Code : 614008

Silver Dollar - Metynnis Hypsauchen

Lokal Name :
Silver Dollar

Commone Name :
Silver Dollar

Scientific Name :
Metynnis Hypsauchen

Code : 615025

Silver dilar adalah ikan yang sejenis dengan piranha, namun silver dolar mempunyai sifat yang tidak agresif seperti piranha. mempunyai gigi gigi kecil yang cukup tajam pada mulutnya, warna ikan ini di dominasi dengan warna silver mengkilap.

Red Fin Shark - Rainbow Shark - Epalzeorhynchos Frenatus

Lokal Name :
Red Fin Shark

Commone Name :
Rainbow Shark

Scientific Name :
Epalzeorhynchos Frenatus

Senegalus / Phalmas Albino - Cuvier's Bichir - Polypterus Senegalus

Lokal Name :
Senegalus / Phalmas Albino

Commone Name :
Cuvier's Bichir

Scientific Name :
Polypterus Senegalus

Code : 615043

Senegalus atau phalmas ini sering di sebut juga dengan ikan naga, karna bentuknya yang mirip naga.  Phalmas ini ada beberapa jenis, dan ikan yang satu ini termasuk phalmas jenis Albino karna mempunyai warna putih albino.

komet - Goldfish Red Comet- Carassius Auratus

Lokal Name :

Commone Name :
Goldfish Red Comet

Scientific Name :
Carassius Auratus

Code : 611003

Red Comet adalah salah satu jenis Goldfish yang banyak di gemari masyarakat, selain bentuk dan warnanya yang bagus, ikan ini harganya juga relatif sangat terjangkau di bandingkan dengan ikan sejenis yang lainya. mempunyai ciri-ciri fisik ekor dan sirip yang panjang, ukuran tubuh yang kecil panjang ikan ini rata rata sekitar -+ 5 cm - 12 cm (ukuran rata-rata), mempunyai warna warna belang merah, putih, hitam dan keemasan.

Koki Mutiara Asli - Goldfish Pearl Scale - Carassius Auratus

Lokal Name : 
Koki Mutiara Asli

Commone Name : 

Goldfish Pearl Scale

Scientific Name : 
Carassius Auratus

Black Manfish - Black Angelfish - Pterophyllum Scalare

Lokal Name : 
Black Manfish

Commone Name : 

Black Angelfish

Scientific Name : 
Pterophyllum Scalare