Louhan Fish ( Flowerhorn ) is one of a variety of ornamental fish that has a lot of fans. Unique characteristics of fish louhan is to have a bump on the head, or so-called Jenong or nong nong . Admin sure readers know right buddy with Lohan this fish, if not know " kebangetan deh ... hehe ... sorry kidding."


There are some people who believe, if maintaining fish Lohan will bring good luck or hockey. Allah knows best ... Admin themselves do not know the truth will trust it. Regardless of bringing luck or not, which is important if we like we can keep well and should be loved and loved her, too, because after louhan a ciptaaan Gusti God's creatures just like us.

Fish Farming Louhan

This Louhan fish are generally divided into two types namely the type Bonohead Louhan Fish and Fish Louhan types of Waterhead . Fish Louhan types Bonohead on umumya have the not-so-Jenong or referred to Jenong rocks, and fish Louhan this type usually will not have a significant Jenong. While Fish Louhan types Waterhead or referred to Louhan Jenong Water Fish typically have a fairly large Jenong.

  1. Choose Louhan healthy fish, do not buy fish that are sick Louhan, usually Louhan sick fish will be marked with white spots or patches of fungus that is attached to the body
  2. If you buy then choose the puppy Fish Fish Louhan Louhan with Jenong head, because puppies are Jenong Louhan Fish Fish Louhan it will grow fairly large Jenong
  3. Choose fish that have Louhan short and stocky body, because IkanLouhan like this tend to be aggressive and have a special attraction
  4. Choose fish scales Louhan with the contras color (bright) and not dark blackish
  5. Next select Louhan aggressive fish and are accustomed to humans, this is done to avoid the stress of Fish Louhan

Origin Louhan

Breeding program has been started since 1993 Malaysian especially many who admired fish with protruding heads, known as Karoi or "warship", found in the western part of their country. Slightly protruding forehead and long tail of these fish enthusiasts valuable to the people of Taiwan as a sign of good luck in geomancy. In 1994, red devil cichlid (genus Amphilophus) imported from Central America to Malaysia and results parrot cichlid hybrids imported from Taiwan to Malaysia and bred these fish together, marking the birth of lou han fish.

In 1995, the marriage was held further crosses with the Human Face Red God of Fortune, which produces a new type called the Five-Colors God of Fortune. Because of its beautiful colors, this fish quickly became popular. Penyempurnaaan selectively continued until 1998, when the Seven-Colors Blue Fiery Mouth (also known as Greenish Gold Tiger) imported from Central America, and the results of cross marriage with Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan. Pembelesteran finally produced the first generation of Hua Luo Han flowerhorn hybrids, which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn introductions.

Arrival in the Western World

When flowerhorn first imported to the United States, there are only two types of fish that distribution, flowerhorn and Golden Base. Thus came the two varieties, those with pearls (silver white spots on the skin) and are not. Golden Base also has two varieties, those that faded and were not. Among all types of flowerhorn, without pearls quickly followed in popularity by those with pearls, becoming pearl scale flowerhorns, or Zhen Zhu. With Golden Base, developed an attractive golden skin be placed on the flowerhorn's gray skin.

In 1999, there are four types of flowerhorn available in the American market: regular flowerhorn, pearl scale flowerhorn, flowerhorn gold, and faders. Commercial breeders breed proliferated, and fish were selected for appearance regardless of the terminology. Consequently, names became confusing and kind of descent becomes difficult to trace.

Around 2000-2001, various Kamfa appear. It is a hybrid of any type of flowerhorn crossed with species of the genus Vieja or with any kind of Parrot Cichlid. It brings some new properties, such as short mouths, wrapped tails, sunken eyes, and increasingly larger bumps on the head. Seeing this, they are raising in Zhen Zhus both fish farms to develop faster and become more colorful, to compete with the type of Kamfa.

Type of fish Lohan

By type, fish Louhan divided into 6 types:

Lohan Care

Flowerhorn Cichlid required to be stored at 80-85 ° F water temperature, and pH less than 7.4-8.0. They require a minimum of approximately 20-30 gallons tank to grow. If aggressive and territorial, two or more flowerhorn are usually not kept in groups, but they can be divided tankage by dividing acrylic or egg crates.

Aquarium to maintain louhan

Aquarium should be adjusted to the size louhan as a comparison, for louhan 40-50cm preferably sized aquarium size is 200x170x80cm. Aquarium good for louhan must be completed: Aerators and Filters, Heater, Hiding Place, rocks, water plants and adequate lighting.

Tips for Choosing Louhan

The characteristics of good quality Louhan:
* Tail fins on the bottom and a balanced
* Black spots firmly from the base of the tail to the gills
* Circle of golden metallic silver circle black spots
* Looks almost pearly spots around the body
* Basic color bright red body and bright yellow
* The fins and tail intact fissure widened and
* Nongnong in the head looks proportional
* The red one full circle

Feed For Louhan

Natural food and artificial food. Natural foods consist of: Artemia, Water Flea, Mosquito Larvae, Hair and Silk Worms, Blood Worms, Earthworm and shrimp. Artificial food in the form of pellets can be given special Louhan Interspersed with worms or shrimp.

Overcoming Disease / Pest

Disease that often attacks the Louhan is a fungal disease, symptoms appear on the body as the body is shrouded louhan fine threads.

The way to overcome this disease are:

* Avoid Fish injured
* Soaking Lohan into a solution of Malachite Green oxalate with 3g comparison to 1 cubic water. Marinated fish approximately 30 minutes
* When finished louhan then enter into a tank that has been cleaned and replaced with new water.

Scientific classification

* Kingdom: Animalia
* Phylum: Chordata
* Class: Actinopterygii
* Order: Perciformes
* Family: Cichlidae
* Genus: Amphilophus
* Species: A. trimaculatus
* Binomial name: Amphilophus trimaculatus


Critics also have heard about the flowerhorn, which is actually a man-made fish, into fish taxa, which provided for the identification of species that are found in nature. This practice can make identification more difficult cichlid. Breeding with pure bloodlines cichlid species have occurred in a number of cichlid are generally kept for hobby purposes, the risk of loss is on the genetic material.

Flowerhorn breeding also contributes to the commercial demand for the creation of new and different types of fish that may lead to questionable practices as well as farm doubtful for anatomical deformities (such as occurred in goldfish breeding).

Flowerhorn has been criticized by some cichlid enthusiasts and environmentalists for a number of reasons. Flowerhorn interest resulted in culling of surplus and deformed fish, some of which is disposed in the wild in Malaysia and Singapore, where they are easily adaptable and disrupt the ecosystem of the river and pond. As with other cichlids, flowerhorn is aggressive and can breed rapidly, compete and prey on native fish.

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