Cultivation And Type Price Picture World's Most Expensive Koi Fish. How is my friend today ...? Admin hope in good health and happy yes ... Previous admin pengin asked my friend, if my friend first time visiting this blog ...? If so, come and congratulate admin Greetings. Well because it was my friend admin also recommend to read previous article  Raising Techniques And How Raising Catfish in Freshwater Swimming , may be useful for my friend wrote reader.

This time the admin still will share the cultivation of animals, especially those that will be discussed here is the koi fish. Surely pal tau koi right ...? This popular ornamental fish is now easy for us to get. Because there are many people who maintain this fish hobby. Below is a sample image of koi fish and other detail information.

koi fish images

History of koi fish

Nishikigoi is Japanese names for Koi, which was developed in Japan 200 years ago. Originally rice farmers in Japan to see that some of the fish in rice fields has brilliant color, then retrieved and maintaining.
In 1914, when the Niigata Koi show off in an expo, start maintaining a koi fever occurs throughout Japan. Maintain Koi hobby spread all over the world after a plastic bag and transport facilities are adequate for safely shipping fish.

Maintain Koi is a fun hobby and is believed to reduce stress levels. Koi fish are intelligent and can be taught to eat from the hands of greedy you.However sometimes like a fish that will eat anything you lemparkanke kolam.Koi can also hear and will respond to noises, especially suaradaripemiliknya.

Small koi easier to die, but to maintain Koi up to 70cm size is quite mahal.Memelihara hobiyang Koi can become an obsession, because of the color, physical appearance and impressive value, may be a distinct obsession for beautiful Koi get better and better again .
Koi generally reaches a size of 50% of the length of Koi adult size in 24 months, growth usually depends on the size of the pool. Also other factors such as water quality, oxygen, filtering, and meals. Koi lineages also very influential closely with kualitasnya.Rata average Koi can live between 20-30 years.

Types of koi fish

types of koi fish

1 Gosanke

Koi Koi Classification Gosankemerupakan the most popular and widely found among the fans of Koi.

Are included in this category are the Kohaku, Sanke, and Showa. Family Gosanke a combination Koi with color Black, Red and White. Except Kohaku who do not have the element of black.

a. Kohaku
Kohaku Koi with a Red and White colors. Red pattern called Hi. Hi should be thick with good edges. There are various differences in color pattern Kohaku. There was a break, there is a large and good menyapu.Kohaku memilikii pattern does not go down past the eyes and balanced.

b. Sanke
Sanke is like pattern Kohaku koi (black and white), but they have hitamdi pattern along their backs. Black pattern called Sumi. Looking for a good Sanke is like having a Kohaku Hi pattern. Black pattern may not appear on the head. Kohaku Sanke is persilangangan with Shiro Bekko.

c. Showa
Showa Koi colors are White, Black and Red. Showa is usually the result of a cross between a Kohaku and Shiro Utsuri.

2 Bekko

a. Shiro Bekko
Shiro Bekkoadalah type of white Koi with a black pattern small. Pattern (black) on Shiro Bekko sumi should be balanced and have sharp edges (Kiwa). Utsuri and Shiro Shiro Bekko have similarities, because the same color pattern. The difference between Shiro Shiro Utsuri Bekko And Shiro is in black color pattern Utsuri have bigger black while Shiro Bekko have a little black.

b. Ki Bekko
Ki Bekkomerupakan yellow Koi with a black pattern on it. As with Shiro Bekko, but 
basically a bright yellow color. Pattern (black) sumi on Ki Bekko be balanced and have an edge (kiwa) sharp. Ki Bekko somewhat rarer than its cousin, Shiro Bekko.

c. Aka Bekko
Aka Bekkomerupakan red koi with black patterns on it. Black spots forming an interesting and beautiful.


a. Shiro Utsuri
Utsuri Shiro, a black and white koi with unique color patterns and attractive. The head Shiro 
Utsuri consists of black and white, should not only consist of one color (black only or white only). Unlike the Bekko shiro, shiro Utsuri a koi with black warnadasar.

b. Ki Utsuri
Ki Utsurihampir same as Shiro Utsuri, only the Ki Utsuri color is yellow and Black. Pattern 
color and the same assessment criteria with Shiro Utsuri.

c. Hi Utsuri
Hi Utsurimerupakan Koi with red and black colors form a pattern that is unique and interesting.


Asagimerupakan type of koi that has long existed. Asagi is a Blue Koi with stomach 
red, Asagi beauty is in the main pattern is a pattern of scales that look like a thin net over the base color indigo. Ideally Asagi has a pure white head.

b. Shusui
Merupakanjenis Shusui Asagi koi from family but do not have scales. Scales on Shusui only on the back only. Color scales ideally dark and there along the back completely and neatly.

5. Tancho

a. Tancho GOROMO

Goromomerupakan Tancho koi that has a rounded pattern on the head, which is a pattern Goromo / wine.

b. Tancho Kohaku

Tancho Kohakumerukana white koi with red dots on the head. The more rounded and sharply increased the 

the beauty of this type of koi.

c. Tancho Goshiki

Goshikimemiliki Tancho Tancho pattern in the head with the body color and scales are koi types Goshiki.

d. Tancho Kujaku

e. Tancho Sanke


Hikarimonoadalah metallic Koi or Koi with shiny golden color. Hikarimono color is shiny single colors such as yellow, orange and others. Also called Hikarimuji. Hikari means shiny.

Ø Nezu Ogon Koi with gray sheen
Ø Orenji Ogon Koi with orange sheen
Ø Platinum Ogon Koi shiny white / silver
Ø Yamabuki Ogon, Yellow Color Koi sheen

7 Goromo

Ø Ai goromo
Ø Budo Goromo
Ø Sumi Goromo

8. Hikarimoyo

Ø Kin Showa
Ø Kujaku
Ø Yamato Nishiki
Ø DoitsuHariwake
Ø Kikusui


Ø Shiro Matsuba
Ø Aka Matsuba


Ø Ochiba Shigure
Ø Kumonryu
Ø Beni Kumonryu
Ø Benigoi
Ø Karasugoi

11. Haijiro

Ø Aka Haijiro
Ø Chagoi
Ø Kigoi
Ø Midorigoi
Ø Soragoi

Cultivation and koi fish prices.

Current market demand for koi fish was rising sharply. Mememilahar koiu fish in trust can provide peace of mind for their owners. Therefore koi demand continues to increase. Memenuhio market demand for koi fish farming also has a lot in doing. Koi fish farming course discussion is promising because the price is quite expensive koi carp. Koi fish prices usually determined by the type of fish and also the size of the koi fish itself

Koi fish most expensive worldwide of all time.

Koi fish still in view of the highly profitable cultivation. However, before you want to go into business budiodaya koi fish you would have to know the ins and outs of koi fish breeding. In addition to the knowledge about Koi fish hartus course you also know how to set up a network for sales and cultivation of your product. It would require effort. The initial steps that you can follow atgau lakuakn mungkinndengan join the community koi lovers in your city. Kalupaun nothing you can beteman with the same hobby people mempunytai your circuitry. This is very important because that is where your knowledge will koi fish can grow. From there anyway your network will grow in the future you can safely sell your cultivation.

Koi fish most expensive koi carp throughout history is 15 years old sell for 50,000 pound sterling. This fish has a length of 76 cm and has won several international level competitions. Unfortunately these fish eventually died in Kent UK.

Now that the information bro, hopefully buddy readers satisfied with what the admin share. Oy, please pass it on to others as well, maybe this article is they need. A few of farray, thank you and see you ... :)