Six Types of Fish that are Worth Avoiding

Six Types of Fish that are Worth Avoiding

Enam Jenis Ikan yang Sebaiknya Dihindari
Illustration of fresh fish. AFP / Darwin Fatir
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Fish is good for health. Eat fish twice a week is highly recommended to meet protein needs. Omega-3 fats contained in fish is also good for heart health and brain cell development in children.

However, not all fish is good for health. Seafood Watch, a program launched by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, record the number of fish unfit for consumption. Together with non-profit organizations engaged in health and the environment, they compiled a list of fish that was unfit for consumption.

From the list, there are the top six types of fish that should be avoided. In addition to the fish endangered, some also contain mercury and PCBs above the specified threshold, the health hazard it.

The sixth type of fish it is

Bluefin Tuna
In December 2009, the World Wildlife Fund put bluefin tuna on the list of 10 endangered species, in addition to the giant panda, tiger, and leatherback turtles. Despite the efforts of environmental groups advocate that this fish makes the status of protected fauna, bluefin tuna continue to be hunted, with sales value up to US $ 177 thousand per fish.

However, in addition to endangered, tuna is also very harmful to health. These fish have high levels of mercury and PCBs are so high that the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) recommends not to eat these fish. 
Patagonian Toothfish
The price is very expensive because of the distinctive taste of the meat, melt in the mouth like butter. This fish lives only in the cold Antarctic waters. The method used to catch very damaging seabed habitats and threatened sea birds in the vicinity. However, EDF is banned because of very high mercury content. Therefore, if you want to consume, preferably no more than two times per month for adults and once a month for the children.

High levels of mercury in these fish cause EDF issued a warning. In terms of sustainability, groupers no problem. These fish can live to the age of 40 years and reproduce rapidly.

This fish is weird his form, resembling catfish and an underwater inhabitants. Fish double tentacle, another name for this fish, incoming orders are generally true bony fish living in the deep sea. Habitat in the Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. The fish of the order Lophiiformes looks striking with the large head and wide.

Monkfish is a carnivorous fish, large mouth and teeth. This fish dive to the bottom of the sea. In order to attack other fish, his mouth slightly facing up. At the top of the mouth there is an antenna that can move my digerak as bait to attract prey. This fish is also often rises to the surface to attack seabirds. Mercury content of fish is very high.

Orange Roughy
Such as grouper, fish is also a long life, but are slow to reproduce, making it vulnerable to overfishing. These fish live 100 years or more, so that the fish fillets in your freezer may come from fish whose age is older than your grandmother. Longevity also means having a high level of mercury, the thing that makes EDF issued a health warning.

Farmed Salmon
Most Farmed salmon, which is usually labeled "Atlantic salmon", often filled with parasites and disease. Also threaten wild salmon trying to swim to the waters to spawning.

Salmon are raised in aquaculture pond are given antibiotics to combat the disease, so it has a fairly high level of PCBs. There is hope consumer pressure will encourage farmers to adopt practices that better cultivation.