Marine Fish vs. Freshwater Fish

Marine Fish vs. Freshwater Fish

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Ikan Laut vs Ikan Tawar Femina
Salmon or tuna, including the type most widely hunted fish to get omega 3 its efficacy. Wonder if they are the most popular fish used in the Japanese kitchen. Marine fish, especially those that live in the deep ocean, does have unsaturated fatty acid content higher than sea fish that live in the sea and fresh water fish, such as goldfish, carp, tilapia, or indigo.

"Deep sea fish contains omega 3 which is higher because the fish is trying to maintain body temperature with fat / oils that remain liquid at temperatures in the ocean are very rendah.Namun Thus, the content of omega 3 is also still exist in other fish, including fish water bargaining, "said Ir Nuri Andarwulan, M.Sc., food experts from IPB. So, if eating deep sea fish on a regular basis is not possible, because the price is relatively expensive, it does not mean you can not enjoy the benefits of other types of fish.

Judging from the content of heavy metals pollute a lot of seafood, including fish, parrot fish in emphasizing that, like salmon and tuna, are much less likely contaminated with heavy metals."Contamination of heavy metals coming from the mainland is usually much waste is detected in the waters around the bay, not on the high seas. Marine fish in the relatively safer than fish that live on the surface, "he explained.

So, whether freshwater fish to be free of heavy metal contamination? Not necessarily. "The fish that live in fresh water ponds, there is a source of water comes from the paddy water for agricultural irrigation. If so, the fish in the pond is most likely contaminated with the heavy metal cadmium (Cd) is widely used in fertilizers. But, if water ponds instead of irrigation water, freshwater fish are relatively safe, "